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 The Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc. (VWHSCA) in partnership with Rosas Blancas will hold the College Financial Assistance Program (CFAP) on Sat. Jan. 25, 2025, from 12 noon - 3pm at the WISH Center (located inside the Hybla Valley Community Center -  7950 Audubon Ave, Alex. VA  22306) .  This is a program to assist high school students and parents with the FAFSA, VASA and with scholarship essay writing (proofreading/outlining). This is a free event, however, registration is required.  The last day to register is Wed. Jan 22, 2025.  Register HERE.

La Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc (VWHSCA) en asociacion con Rosas Blancas llevara a cabo el Programa de Asistencia Financiera Universitaria (CFA) el sabado. 25 de enero de 2025, de 12 del mediodia a 3pm en el Centro WISH (ubicado dentro del Centro Comunitario de Hybla Valley - 7950 Avenida Audubon, Alex.  VA  22306).  Este es un programa para ayudar a estudiantes de secundaria y padres con la FAFSA, VASA, y con la redaccion de ensayos de becas (correccion/resumen).  Este es un evento gratuito, sin embargo, es necesario registrarase.  El ultimo dia para registrarse es el miercoles. 22 de enero de 2025.  Registrate AQUl

Encourage  ~  Educate ~  Empower 

Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc. 

The Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc., (VWHSCA, Inc.) (formerly the Fort Hunt High School - Black Cultural Alliance Alumni High School Career Forum) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.  

The VWHSCA, Inc. sponsors two programs for high school students: the High School Career Forum and our new program, the Financial Literacy Workshop.   

The Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc's. mission is to prepare high school students for a successful transition from high school by exposing them to a variety of career opportunities and expansion of financial knowledge through eudcational and motivational programs.

There are several ways you can become involved with the Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc.  Click the link above to learn how.  We look forward to hearing from you!


Any donation to the Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc. is greatly appreciated.  Your donation will ensure we provide quality, informative programs to help guide high school students to a successful life after high school. 

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Highlights from 2022/23 High School Career Forums and Financial Literacy Workshops 


Click Here


Rev. Stanley Wright, CPA

Congratulations to Isaiah Floyd for this wonderful recognition!  Isaiah was a participant on the panel for the 2020 High School Career Forum .  We are proud of you Isaiah! 

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