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Scholarship Program

The Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc. (VWHSCA, Inc.) is excited to offer scholarships (Trade and College) to two high school seniors in the Washington, D.C Metropolitian Area (DMV). 

The VWHSCA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit chartible organization.  Our mission is to prepare high school students for a successful transition from high school by exposing them to a variety of career opportunities and expansion of financial knowledge, through educational and motivational programs. 

Two Students will be awarded $1,000 each The Virginia Williams High School Career Associat
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Send the completed application package with the type-written essay having your "First, Last" name in the file name to:

Scholarship Deadline:  Monday, March 18, 2024

The students who are eligible for assistance shall be 1. Graduating seniors in the Washing

Eligibility Criteria 

In order to be eligibile for the scholarships, you must meet the following:

1.  Graduating seniors in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area (DMV) (A student is defined as someone who is a 12th grade high school student for the 2023/2024 school year.   

2.  Have applied to an accredited trade school, community college, or university (proof of application acceptance must be included with the completed application).

3.  Have completed the activities template to include the applicant's work, school activities, and community service record.

4.  You must proved one (1) letter of recommendation from someone other than a family member that speaks to your character, academic potential and community involvement.

Letter must be emailed by the writer to:

5.  500 word essay answering the following question:  What impact do you hope to make in your chosen field or industry, and how will this scholarhship help you achieve that goal? 

The students who are eligible for assistance shall be 1. Graduating seniors in the Washing

Recommendation Letters must be emailed by the writer to:

Scholarship Deadline: Monday,  March 18, 2024


Virginia Williams HSCA (1).jpg

Virginia Williams 

Virginia Williams began her career in education as an English and History teacher at West Charlotte High School in Charlotte, NC.   She continued a career in education as a guidence counselor at Fort Hunt High School in Alex. VA and then as Director of Student Services at Mt. Vernon High School in Alex. VA.  becoming the first African American woman to hold the position in FCPS.  

Virginia Williams continued to work passionately for the youth through her involvment in multiple community organizations in Alexandria, Fairfax County and the state of Virginia. 

The students who are eligible for assistance shall be 1. Graduating seniors in the Washing

.1. Essay entries must include the following completed materials:

a. application form

b. proof of application to an accredited trade school, community college, or


c. activities template to include the applicant's work, school activities, and

community service record

d. signed adult recommendation from someone other than a family member that

speaks to the applicant’s character, academic potential, and community

involvement Letter must be emailed by the writer to

e. type-written essay no more 500 words in length adhering to the following

formatting guidelines

i. 1 inch margins

ii. double-spaced

iii. 12-point font

2. Applicants may submit only one essay entry during any given scholarship year and the

entry may only be submitted once. Further submissions with revisions will not be


3. Entries utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) will not be considered.

4. Disqualification will result from the following:

a. Judges identify non-original material,

b. Completed application received after the submission date of March 18, 2024.

5. Scholarship entry will be judged on organization, originality/persuasive argument,

grammar and community involvement.

Scholarship Application Rules


Eva M. Bridget

Eva Bridget was a founding member and board member of the Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc. 

From the beginning, Eva worked, diligently, for the organization by participating in local radio advertisement, and in planning and implementing the organization's programs.  Eva spoke often of having a representative from the Trade profession participate on our High School Career Forum.  Her belief in the mission of the organization continues to be felt today.

Eva was a graduate of The Ohio State University and worked for the U.S. Federal Government in IT.  


to the 

2024 Scholarship Recipients


Mikayla Decker

Virginia Williams High School Career Association, Inc.

College Scholarship


Logan M. Lockley

Eva M. Bridget Scholarship


*Due to not receiving applications for the Eva M. Bridget Scholarship for Trade School we awarded the scholarship to a college bound senior. 

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